You’re Doing What? Why? How? Part 1

Noah Nelson
4 min readFeb 14, 2021


Most people ask me a lot of questions these days. When you’re in a transition period of life you can guarantee questions will come flooding in. Not that questions are a bad thing. I believe that means there are people who care enough and are interested enough to know what is going to happen to me in the next stages of my life. I am thankful for that.

I will start to answer your questions you have for me in a series of posts. Each post will plan to answer one major question.


To fully answer this, we are going to have to back track a little bit for some context.

I was a junior in college at OBU (so 2016–2017 school year). At the time I was living with three ministry majors (I was an exercise science major). Through conversations and experiences in our off campus housing, a seed was planted in me. This seed involved wanting to start something that would be helping pastors, church leaders, and Christians in their health journeys. I didn’t have any idea how to do that or what it would look like. At that point it was just a desire. A desire that never left me.

A couple years go by, desire still there, but no true actions taken.

Now I find myself in Colorado in the summer of 2018. Working in the recreation department, I stumble across a couple people who I am proud to say I am still close with to this day. The two guys are crazy, but the kind of crazy I wanted to be around. They were dreamers. Big dreamers. But it didn’t stop there. They were also doers. If they felt it was what they were called to it, no matter how crazy, stupid, or illogical it sounded, they were going to give it a full go (spoiler alert, they are living out these dreams. Check them out). This planted another seed to really go for it with my God given dreams.

So, you can imagine when I got to Tulsa, I had expectations that I would start this business on the side while working full time at Verizon. Put in some time here and there and see what happens.

I found out that making that happen was easier said than done.

The number one reason I would say that I didn’t start this business earlier was that I got comfortable. A check was coming in every two weeks, bills were being paid, and life was easy. I was doing all my “adulting” duties fairly well. Why should I put more effort into something if all my needs and wants are being met? That’s what my actions were telling me during that time. So I let the idea stew. Didn’t really take any steps. Little did I know that I was taking some steps and didn’t even know it. Many events and experiences I had during my time at Verizon would greatly contribute to my coaching skillset and confidence in taking bigger steps to starting PHIT Movement.

As I am constantly being reminded of lately, God’s plan, at His pace, is ALWAYS greater than my own.

As my work days at Verizon were starting to trickle down, the obvious step was to start looking for the next chapter in my career path. At the same time, the thought of really trying to start this business kept coming up in my head. I really had felt God wanted to give it a full shot. In the past I had played with different variations of it, but nothing where I truly invested full time, resources and effort toward. I decided it was more worth it to start this than anything else. If I was going to make this happen it was going to be now or never. I will never be responsible for less people or have as good an opportunity to take this type of risk then right now. And I had put it off for long enough as well. There’s a convicting quote I heard one time go something like this, “Would you want to see someone else living out the dream that God called YOU to do?” Ouch. I wasn’t going to give that opportunity to anyone any longer. So, I started putting my head down and started investing. It wasn’t always fun and easy. It took a couple months and a lot of checklists. I used many Google searches, YouTube videos and articles from various websites, but eventually PHIT Movement became an official business.

So, here we are.

There are still a lot of unknowns with this. Will I ever actually make money from this? Could I have enough clients to eventually do this full time? Am I even qualified to run a business?

Most of these questions, I don’t have the answers for quite yet. I know I am still going to have to find some other type of work for now to help pay the bills. I am okay with this though. I feel this is where God has me, so I am going to do my best to keep myself on that path.

No turning back. Let’s see what happens!



Noah Nelson

A coach, living in a camper (hopefully by summer of 2021), with a cause. Creator of PHIT Movement and the PHIT Movement Podcast. Fight the Good Fight.